
Burnout is a special type of stress – and it doesn’t just come from working long hours (although that can certainly contribute over time). Burnout can be caused by a variety of factors including a lack of work/life balance, unclear job expectations, a dysfunctional workplace, a lack of support or poor job fit. Those who work in a helping professional are especially at risk. Common symptoms of burnout include depression, cynicism and lethargy. If left unaddressed, burnout can affect your physical health contributing to numerous ailments including insomnia, high cholesterol and heart disease. But the good news is that burnout does not have to be a permanent condition. Reach out to one of TherapyDen’s burnout experts to start your journey towards recovery!

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Managing and recovering from stressors that lead to feelings of decreased motivation and disconnection from the self; practicing effective self-care and finding ways to relax both physically and mentally.

— Celestine David, Mental Health Counselor in New York, NY

Many of my clients through the years have been overworked, overcommitted and felt undervalued at their places of employment. I have successfully helped many men and women in their quest for a more fulfilling career path. I have also addressed caregiver burnout; this is a huge concern as many are taking care of loved ones.

— Michelle May, Counselor in West Bloomfield, MI

Ever feel like everything is just too much? Not getting as much done as you used to? Nothing feels worth it anymore? You may be experiencing burnout. Recognizing what's happening is a critical first step, and then working on balancing work and life--and giving yourself permission to do that--is important. We may also explore boundary setting and other workplace skills, as well as taking time for yourself: therapy is that first step.

— Christa Cummins, Licensed Professional Counselor in Portland, OR

Burn Out Counseling helps you rise above your challenges and start moving towards your ideal life with less less confusion and more confidence. You will adopt the new mindset you need to prioritize yourself so you can take care of you and know what you want and have the confidence to go after it. I've helped adults, whose life is "perfect on paper" but know something is missing, to identify what is holding them back from living a life they love. They make BIG knowing that they are not "too much"

— Hannah Brents, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Brookline, MA

Burnout doesn’t even begin to describe what some folks are going through. I suggest that we are not facing a “shortage” of workers, but rather a resistance from people who are able to put up with exploitative systems. We need a reckoning; a reimagining. Let's explore creative next steps to go from exploited to thriving.

— Shin Ock, Psychologist in North Bethesda, MD

Burnout is becoming increasingly common in our achievement-driven society that prizes contribution to a monetary bottom line more than it values individual health and well-being (don't even get me started!). We can work together to explore what led you here, how you can recover and build systems that prevent burnout from taking you hostage again! I usually weave values and identity into burnout work.

— Sarah Nehdi, Licensed Mental Health Counselor

If you struggle with burnout, you may experience feelings such as exhaustion, detached emotions, hopelessness, and disengagement. Additionally you may feel an emotional toll, depression, and a loss of motivation. These feelings are not normal for you and your tolerance for them is gone.

— Amanda Alberson, Counselor in Westminster, CO

Burnout is emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that is brought on by prolonged stress in your life, whether that be from work, being a caregiver, or being in toxic or difficult relationships. You can think of it as an ongoing state of overwhelm or anxiety, and no matter how hard you try to rest, it doesn't seem to get any better. I work with my clients to identify this issue and acknowledge where behavior, thought, and emotion can be shifted to decrease burnout.

— Shelby Milhoan, Psychotherapist in Towson, MD

Stress and burnout is at an all-time high. Together we'll help you recalibrate your inner compass so you can move towards a life that honors what's most important to you. I'll help you develop strategies and skills to manage your stress and burnout so you can feel like yourself again. We'll clarify your core values so you can be more intentional about how your invest your time and energy. You'll also gain stills so you can feel more grounded and whole.

— Kristin Miyoko Papa, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in San Jose, CA

Let's be real here, life is fucking stressful. From work, to families, to relationships, and everything in between, it is easy to get caught up obsessing over productivity. In a system that values overwork, it can be incredibly difficult to find balance. I am here to help you find that place where you can be both productive and at peace. It's tough, but it is possible!

— Dr. Elyssa Helfer, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

As we've all been learning the last two years, the world is a wild place. For neurodiverse people living in a capitalist society, burnout is pretty much a guarantee, especially if you haven't been equipped with tools and systems that work for YOU. A big impact of long-term burnout is dissociation from the body. In our work together, we will help you reconnect with your body and restructure your life in such a way that you don't have to betray your limits to feel successful and fulfilled.

— Amelia Hodnett, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate in Seattle, WA

Burnout - like everything else - shows up differently for different people. This can look like irritability, overwhelm, emotional exhaustion, and reduced interest or motivation. Or maybe you’re just tired of the status quo and are ready to shake things up, both in your career and your personal life. Together we’ll get to know how burnout looks for you and build on your existing strengths (yes, you have them!) to move through the ‘stuckness’ burnout can bring on.Item description

— Kailey Hockridge, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in Los Angeles, CA

Once we enter adulthood, we are continually preparing for the next stage of life. This leads to a change in values and dip in life satisfaction. Happiness isn't tied to our external circumstances, yet we still find ourselves striving to meet some unmeetable goal. This leads us to be frustrated achievers who feel guilty or experience malaise despite good jobs, good families, and stable income. Acceptance, commitment, and action to change can help us escape the happiness trap.

— Katrina Kuzyszyn-Jones, Psychologist in Durham, NC

Burnout, like everything else, shows up differently for different people. This can look like irritability, overwhelm, emotional exhaustion, and reduced interest or motivation. Or maybe you’re just tired of the status quo and are ready to shake things up, both in your career and your personal life. If you’ve come to therapy to reduce burnout, we’ll get to know how that looks for you and build on your existing strengths (yes, you have them!) to move through the ‘stuckness’ burnout can bring on.

— Kailey Hockridge, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in Los Angeles, CA

You want to feel peaceful and content, but instead you are: overwhelmed by stress, totally burned out, and questioning if you will ever feel the rewards from your career as you once did. Each day feels like you are being stretched a bit thinner and you wonder how much you have left to give. Life doesn’t have to go on this way. It is my mission to provide scientifically informed psychotherapy for women experiencing professional burnout without sacrificing compassion and genuine concern.

— Dr. Jennifer McManus, Psychologist in Jacksonville, FL

OMG Burnout! We are hearing so much about it and I am thrilled. Lets talk about it and keep talking about it, how to notice it and recover while maintaining balance to prevent it. I have attended training by Emily Nagoski and adore her books on burnout and sexual health. I assist clients in identifying their unmet needs, use science to "complete the stress cycle," and use tools to stay balanced so we don't repeatedly get burnout.

— Katie Doyle, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Seattle, WA

You're not feeling as productive at work and struggle to get up in the morning. You're desire in your relationships has waned and you just want to zone out most of the day. Calling out sick is becoming a weekly consideration. Burnout from work and your relationships is common AND treatable. Together we can help you identify the causes of burnout and create a plan to bring more meaning back to your life.

— Kristin Tand, Licensed Professional Counselor in Portland, OR