
Parenting children can be a rewarding part of life. As most parents know, it can also be extremely challenging. And, with so much (often contradictory) information out there about how to parent “right”, it can be difficult to feel confident in your choices.  This can be compounded when you and your partner disagree on parenting decisions or when you are facing additional hurdles like financial difficulties, divorce, mental illness, death or a child with special medical or developmental needs. If you are experiencing excessive feelings of guilt or stress as it relates to parenting, a qualified mental health professional can help. Reach out to one of TherapyDen’s experts today.

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In my work with Single Mothers By Choice (SMBC) and new/expecting parents I offer a space where these individuals and couples can explore what it means to take on this new role. Together we will identify what being a parent means to you, finding ways to help you navigate the ups and downs of parenthood. I also provide grief counseling for parents who have experienced perinatal loss. Mourning the loss of a child is a tragic experience. Together we will find ways to help you heal.

— Jennie Beuhler, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist in San Rafael, CA

Parenthood, what a wonderful thing to experience. Easy to say before you become a parent! After becoming a parent it can feel like living in a constantly chaotic house where your kids are suddenly speaking to you in a language you don't seem to understand and their emotions only get bigger. Have you caught yourself thinking, what am I doing wrong? I’m a bad parent! I can’t do this! Well good news, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

— Kate Morales, Psychotherapist in Austin, TX

This is the hardest job EVER! It's hard to see clear when we are exhausted, stressed, and emotionally attached. It is helpful to have someone who is experienced and objective provide guidance and suggestions. I'm your teammate and want to see you and your child thrive and be successful. I know there are dark days when you may feel like a failure, have no idea what to do, and feel hopeless. You are not alone! There is always a way to turn things around but sometimes we need a little help!

— Yara Goldstein, Clinical Social Worker in , NY

Parenting can be overwhelming! Sometimes no matter what you do it doesn't feel like enough. Therapy can help you feel heard and understood. Together we will come up with a plan to provide support, coaching, and strategies to increase feelings of connection and decrease conflict. I am trained in Positive Discipline and Collaborative Problem Solving.

— Susan Ponton, Clinical Social Worker in Portland, OR

Working with parents is a passion of mine! Being a parent is hard. Transitions and developmental changes, among many factors, can lead to conflict, discipline challenges, emotional outbursts, and family disconnection. If you are struggling to navigate the complicated world of parenting, I can be a guide. I will use a developmental lens and work in partnership with you. Together we can explore problems and find solutions that make sense within your family values, culture, and context.

— Katie Nissly, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in St. Paul, MN

As a parent myself and having worked with parents for over 14 years, I know first hand how challenging caring for others while trying to take care of yourself can be. Life can throw you curve balls and they often occur when we are already depleted. I am a strong believer that parents need to take care of themselves and their needs to be better for their children, and want to provide a space for that.

— Gloria Hatfield, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Austin, TX

I intentionally studied to be a parent for decades before finally giving it a try -- and I learned that there's nothing like the real thing to truly prepare you. In addition to my own parenting experience, my undergraduate degree in Human Development & Family Studies enabled me to help other parents find ways to meet both their own needs and those of their children. My work has ranged from teaching Parent Education classes to helping children and parents in the realm of foster care and adoption, providing guidance and support for parents struggling on a financial edge or in the shadows of poverty, illness, and addiction. I've served the emotional wellness needs of people who struggled to become parents, parents grieving lost children, and parents letting go of young adult children. It is a crazy loving business, parenting -- and my respect for those engaged in it is profound.

— Tracy Morris, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Lacey, WA

There is no manual for bringing life to this planet (although plenty of books have been authored). Even if there were, each baby, toddler, child, teen and adult child is different. Your experience of becoming a parent and traveling through each stage is uniquely yours. Maybe your child has experienced medical issues you were not prepared for. Maybe your child displays behaviors you don't understand. Maybe parenting isn't going the way you imagined it to go. I am here to offer support.

— Erin Ratchford, Clinical Social Worker in Sioux Falls, SD

I have been trained in Dr. Ross Greene's Collaborative and Proactive Solutions model (presented in his books The Explosive Child and Raising Human Beings). I am also versed in low-demand parenting, respectful parenting, conscious parenting, and gentle parenting. I use information about brain development in conjunction with these parenting philosophies to help parents understand where child behavior is coming from, what it means, and what to do.

— Krista Cain, Licensed Mental Health Counselor

I have expertise in supporting parents with children with behavioral issues and special needs. I have worked for years with parents of children with behavioral issues, and I have studied the affects of positive parental behavior on child development. On a personal level, I have parented an adult child with Autism, who I raised, during his formative years as a single parent.

— Jeanie Metivier, Psychotherapist

Parenting is not for the faint of heart. As a parent of 3 daughters, I often feel like I am herding alligators! I often wonder how can I provide all of the love and support they need, keep them on track educationally & keep them safe? I enjoy working with parents who are navigating through these turbulent waters. I truly enjoy helping parents problem-solve, set boundaries, and reap the benefits of a healthy relationship with their kids.

— Kellie Rice, Psychologist in Chicago, IL

Coaching and therapy for parents of young adults who are struggling to "launch". Extensive experience in supporting parents to change their role and support their young adult to take ownership, find direction, and source internal drive.

— Jessi Frothingham, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Portland, OR

I support parents, new parents, and those who are trying to become parents, recognizing the complexities surrounding parenthood. I am equipped to support you in the grief and anguish of fertility challenges and losses; process your own childhood experiences and their intergenerational footprint; cultivate skills for the emotional, physical, and relational stressors of parenthood; and navigate the role and identity transitions of the perinatal period, which persist well into parenthood.

— Susie Kowalsky, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

I use my experience as a parent coach to help you improve your child's behavior and give you more confidence as a parent. Come along with me as I teach you the most effective techniques for handling your child's behavior and growing your relationship with them so that you can love being a parent.

— Eva Belzil, Marriage & Family Therapist in Fort Collins, CO

Are you a parent of young kiddos or teens? Are you reparenting yourself? Both?! There's so much to explore when it comes to parenting and intergenerational trauma. Your parents' parenting styles impacted the course of your life and influenced your triggers and reactions. You may see these patterns repeat when you speak to yourself and your kids. Processing your childhood experiences provides insight into what you learned was normal and expected. You get to choose what you want to keep or change.

— Sidrah Khan, Licensed Professional Counselor in Austin, TX

Dr. Edwards specializes in attachment and positive parent-child relationships. She is certified in parent child interaction therapy, a highly effective evidence-based treatment for families of children with challenging behavior problems. She also works with parents to help them understand their child’s temperaments and unique personality, educate on child development, and empower them to become the best parent they choose to be.

— Dr. Kristin Edwards, Psychologist in Tampa, FL

Parenting can be an extremely taxing experience resulting in stress and conflict. When parents are struggling it can be because they need help with how to respond to certain behaviors a child is exhibiting and/or because their own wounds are being triggered by their child's behavior. Therefore, my approach in working with parents is a combination of coaching and a blend of therapeutic modalities to uncover the deeper layers of what is impacting the parent-child dynamic.

— Chana Halberg, Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate in Boulder, CO

As a Therapist, Certified Master Jungian Life Coach, and a Certified Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator, I work with parents to release old patterns, overwhelm, guilt, anger, & fear of not parenting correctly. Grow beyond your parental identity, and step into a new vision of parenthood that feels aligned with your unique energy and gifts. Move into self-love, forgiveness, and confidence, as you shine and radiate your inner light - knowing deep within that you are an amazing parent!

— Caroline McGrath, Licensed Professional Counselor in Lake Oswego, OR